It’s the RIGHT Time to Buy!


Behold, the Memphis Boat Center Smart Buyers Guide.

It’s beautiful isn’t it? You may have seen it before, like on our Facebook page. But, we are bringing it to all platforms because we want YOU to have the best opportunity possible when it comes to purchasing a new boat.

As we all know, it’s the slow season, but that doesn’t mean a brand new boat is out of the question. If you would refer to the chart above, you will notice that buying in the winter saves you thousands of dollars.

Literally, thousands of dollars.

Why wouldn’t you want to buy a brand new boat at such a discounted price? The benefits are spectacular and could potentially help swing your decision if you’re on the fence about buying new.

Added bonus: the 2017 boats for Malibu/Axis are so ridiculously amazing that it would almost be foolish not to buy one. Think about how cool you will look in front of all your buddies when your brand new boat shows up at the launch ramp.

Unlimited Instagram likes are in your future.

If you really want to see what all the fuss is about, go check out the new Malibu lineup and the new Axis lineup! Or you could give us a call at 901-744-4444 and we will answer any questions you feel like asking. Unless it’s about our personal life, that information is personal.

Stay warm out there folks!

winter is coming

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