Team Introduction: Hugh Bourland

This week we are introducing our newest, and youngest, member of the MBC team, Hugh Bourland. Have a read. 

Hey Y’all! This week I’ll give you a little look into my life. I was born and raised in Memphis, and I currently attend high school as a rising Senior at Memphis University School. I have one older sister, Ramey, who attends college at Texas Christian University, and a 4 year old lab named Piper.


I enjoy spending my free time hanging out with friends, playing guitar, attending youth group, and getting outdoors to hunt and fish with my Dad.

Fly fishing is my passion, having traveled to North Carolina, Maine and Yellowstone to fish through a program called Lillard Fly Fishing Expeditions. This summer I will travel to the great state of Colorado as a leader in training for my 5thyear in the program.


My dad and I love to get up to our family’s place at Pickwick and spend weekends fishing the river. Every Memorial Day, my whole family crams inside our house and spends the start of summer together, a time where I always make great memories.  I’ve grown up almost all my life on the water at Pickwick surfing, wakeboarding, and tubing.


However, my first introduction to watersports was at our family’s lake house in Montana, built on the shore of Cooper’s Lake. My fondest memories were formed there where I learned how to ski and wakeboard on the most beautiful lake – I would argue – in the world. The crystal blue water formed by a glacier is always glassy, but stays at a cold 65-70 degrees in the summer because it’s fed by natural springs.


Having bought our boats from Memphis Boat Center a few years back, I never forgot how friendly everyone was and thought it would be cool place to work. As this past school year was wrapping up, I began looking for a summer job. After considering different options, I remembered my thought about working for MBC and got in touch with Hart for an opportunity to work for the summer.


During my first few weeks here I have learned the ropes and gained so much insight into the boating industry. Stop in and say hey!

Who knew MBC had this many employees?! Keep your eyes peeled, we’ll start filling you in on our three technicians next week. 

Team Introduction: Sean Sullivan

This week we are introducing our accountant, Sean. Check it out. 

Hey Now Ya’ll,

My name is Sean Sullivan and I was born and raised in Memphis on a date I care not to disclose. My patron saint is Saint Patrick; I always keep a copy of his blessing in my wallet for good luck and safety. I am one of four kids, two older and one younger. Here is a lovely photo of all of us with our parents. Fun little tidbit, five of us have worked at the Memphis Boat Center at one point or another. The Memphis Boat Center has been a positive aspect of my life from day one, for which I am very grateful.


I grew up playing just about any sport I could get my hands on like basketball, football, soccer, Frisbee, cross-country, and rugby. These and other extracurricular activities kept me busy and out of trouble. Although I played my fair share of sports, athleticism does not run in my genes as demonstrated by the following photo.

soccer bio

My motto was always the ball is more afraid of you then you are of it. Despite all these setbacks I was not deterred from striving for success in sports. I have sense come to terms with my fears and became a stronger and better person because of it.

Moving along, I am finishing up an undergraduate degree at University of Memphis in Accounting and Finance (Lord willing). After which, I will begin working on my CPA, and CFA certifications. While at the University of Memphis, I participated in Student Government Association where I was head of campus safety for a
year. I have been a part of multiple other associations and leadership development courses from Tiger Leadership Institute to Memphis’s many community outreach programs.

Outside of work and education I enjoy a large verity of hobbies. I still play pick up sports and watch all of my favorite teams play as much as possible. This year my sports teams have done well winning the Super Bowl (Patriots), World Series (Red Sox), Premier League (Man. City), made the college football playoffs (Notre Dame), second place in WNCAA March Madness (Notre Dame), and currently competing for the
Stanley Cup (Boston Bruins). I am looking forward to the Women’s World Cup over this summer too. If I am not watching/playing sports, I spend time reading and watching videos on history, philosophy, and science.IMG_5419

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to get to know me a little. I look forward to seeing you at Memphis Boat Center.

As always, next week we will be introducing another member of our crew, Hugh Bourland. Stay Tuned.